
About Us

The ASSU provides a number of grants to support the costs of VSOs, or voluntary student organizations, registered with the Office of Student Engagement.

NOTE: ASSU should be the last funding source after VSOs have exhausted all other on-campus funding sources. Please see this page for alternative sources of on-campus funding.

Student Org Grants

Graduate Funding Guidelines
Undergraduate Funding Guidelines

Joint Funding Divergences

What You Should Know Before Applying:

  • ALL Funding applications must follow the aforementioned funding policies
  • There is NO RETROACTIVE FUNDING i.e. funds will not be provided for purchases that have already been made. Funds must hit VSO accounts before any purchases are made.
  • GrantEd is the application site for both Undergraduate and Graduate Grants.
  • For quick grants, it’s recommended to apply two weeks before event to ensure that funds will be in your VSO’s account in time for the event. Funds are usually posted the following days after the legislative body meets.

Annual Grants

Quick Grants


How far ahead can you predict & plan?

Large, VSO Funding for the following academic year (Undergraduate Applications over $7000, Graduate Applications have no minimum threshold)

Small events or immediate logistical needs

Application timeline

Winter Quarter,

Weeks 1 - 4 (December 12th through January 31st, 11:59PM)

Apply in Winter Quarter for funding for the next academic year

Every Quarter,

Week 1 to Week 9

Apply at least a week ahead of your event/activity

Approved by

Student Body

Respective legislative funding committee (Undergraduate Senate and/or Graduate Student Council)

Funds available to use

Beginning of Fall Quarter

1 - 2 Weeks after Application

Funding cap

Undergrad apps must be over $7000 but Graduate groups may apply below that threshold. Capped to at most 5% above previous annual grant allocation. Annual grant recipients are ineligible for any additional ASSU funding.

$7000 maximum combined across all Grant applications per academic year.

Undergraduate Grants

The ASSU Undergraduate Senate, via the Appropriation Committee, oversees the funding of numerous student groups on Stanford’s campus. While the Undergraduate Senate primarily funds Undergraduate VSOs, Graduate VSOs may apply if they can demonstrate a clear benefit to the Undergraduate Community.

Graduate Grants

GSC offers grant funding to graduate VSOs in order to: provide a broader educational and cultural experience; enhance interdepartmental social interaction; strengthen the campus-wide sense of community; and make the graduate school experience more valuable and enjoyable for all graduate students.

Annual Grants

Annual Grants are the ASSU’s yearly allocation process to raise and allocate funds to VSOs with significant budgets that are predictable a full year in advance. They help fund student-led activities that contribute significantly to the Stanford community.

Other Sources of Funding

Depending on the need and scope, VSOs may seek funding from The Stanford Fund, academic departments, community centers, and relevant advisement offices.

ASSU Funding Grants