University Committees


University Committees are critical to allowing students' voices to be heard at the administrative level. The Board of Trustees, the Academic Council, the Provost, the President, the Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, the Dean of Student Affairs, and the Chief Information Officer convene over 40 committees for yearlong terms to address a variety of issues affecting all walks of student life.

How to Apply

Rolling Application: For vacant committees, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis at any time throughout the academic year to fill existing openings. You may view current vacancies here and apply today at this link! You will be notified of a decision if you are selected to move forward by the end of the respective quarter. 

General Application: Applications are not yet open for 2024-2025 Academic Year Committee Appointments. They will be released during week 4 of winter quarter. If Committee slots for the 2023-2024 Academic Year are not filled during this application process, a second general application process will open during week 4 of Spring Quarter.

What We Look For

Applicants are evaluated across 6 key criteria:

  1. Preparedness: We seek to appoint students that respond timely, answer professionally and arrive ready to answer questions about their qualifications. Preparedness for committee interviews indicates future preparedness required for serving on a committee with Faculty and other University Stakeholders.
  2. Motivation: Student representatives must have a compelling reason for joining the committees to which they apply. Applicants should have ideas for what they hope to accomplish during their committee tenure and be able to articulate why those changes are necessary for the Stanford Community.
  3. Community Involvement: Campus engagement allows students to gauge and understand diverse student concerns. Heavily involved applicants have a strong commitment towards making a difference at Stanford.
  4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Student representatives are required to uplift and amplify the voices of all students within spaces where critical change is made and the representation of the Stanford University student body is necessary. With particular recognition afforded to the historical and ongoing exclusion of voices from marginalized communities, students must be able to explain how their intended goals will contribute to more diverse, equitable and inclusive campus policies.
  5. Community Involvement: Campus engagement allows students to gauge and understand diverse student concerns. Heavily involved applicants have a strong commitment towards making a difference at Stanford.
  6. Advocacy: Serving on a committee demands advocacy to lobby for necessary change. Student representatives must be able to effectively convey their reasoning in support or against proposed decisions during committee meetings.
  7. Leadership: In order to be effective committee members, committee applicants should possess past experience(s) leading a team. Student representatives must be able to lead committee conversations, should their individual committee require leadership initiatives.

Our Team

Matthew Jacquez
Jada Hallman
Grace Bagga
Recruiter for University Commissions
Eric Benitez
ASSU President
Jasmyn Lopez
ASSU President
Gary Wu
ASSU President
Linda Vera
Nominations Commission Chair
Nominations Commission
University Committees